We Are Here for You


We look forward to understanding your needs and helping you with your goals.

2HMforum. For best relations. is an international market research and consulting company based in Mainz. We accompany and guide our customers on their path to increased success – using the Fan Principle.

Learn how to turn your customers into fans, your employees into fans and even your association members into fans. That fan relationship will make you even more successful over the year. Our mission: For best relations, has made us successful for more than 20 years. We are the fan makers.

  • Address

    Dekan-Laist-Str. 17a
    55129 Mainz

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    There are yellow marked parking spaces for our visitors directly in front of the entrance.

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Ann-Susann Brauers


Ann-Susann Brauers

Secretariat management

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Deutschlands Kundenchampions

Does your company have true fans and not just “satisfied” customers? Take part in the Germany’s Customer Champions competition and have your fan quota measured. If your customers are real fans of your company, you can look forward to the title of “Germany’s Customer Champion” – and use it for public and internal communications!


Das Fan-Prinzip


The Fan Principle shows how the economic success of companies and organizations can be effectively increased by systematically applying the mechanisms of fan relationships in the customer relationship management of companies. The Fan Principle transfers the characteristics of fans from sports, music and art to customer relationships and thus creates a completely new approach to measuring and managing relationship quality.




Measure and strengthen relationship quality – Fan principle digital: simple, fast, scientifically based. FanScan® is the unique digital tool for measuring emotional customer, employee and member relationships – in real time! Use the insights on your target groups: always up to date, easy to understand and immediately convertible into actions!
