Decision-makers in associations, foundations and other member organizations always need reliable findings from representative surveys in order to know exactly what moves their members. The Pro-Rail Alliance has collected these insights together with 2HMforum. After analyzing member relations, the alliance was able to ideally align its service offerings to the needs of its members. Always with the goal: turning members into fans!

The Allianz pro Schiene e.V. is a non-profit alliance of stakeholders from business and civil society founded in 2000. The aim of the alliance is to promote and improve climate-friendly rail transport in Germany.
“Out of a strong interest in knowing where we stand, we had our member relationships analyzed by 2HMforum. We were surprised at how well we did in individual areas: Best Practice scores in ‘member orientation of staff’, ‘last contact’ and ‘information’, which pleased us very much. We now know where we stand in the individual sub-aspects, both in terms of image and performance areas, what is important to our members and where it is particularly worthwhile to apply the lever for improvement. We have already derived initial measures from these findings. We recommend such a study to all those who are not satisfied with the status quo and want to get better.”

Dirk Flege
Managing Director,
Allianz pro Schiene e.V.

Stefan Eser
Head of Emotional Member Loyalty